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Mini-Cluster Materialising memories: Circuits of (re-)configuration (MC 14)

Coordination: Diamantis Panagiotopoulos

This mini-cluster investigated the multiple meanings of material objects, the ways in which meaning is memorialized and transformed as part of the transcultural mobility of objects and people. Its theoretical framework was formed by the larger perspective of exploring the dynamics of transculturality. One aspect of this method was to reconceptualise the nexus between objects and practice. Analytical questions addressed the selection of objects, which were transferred into other cultural contexts, the flow of information associated with these objects, the processes and modes of reception, and the (re)ordering of memories relating to the objects’ biographies. In the wider academic field, the project strived to contribute to current debates on a theory of materiality.


Contrasting biographies. Tracing the ‘second life’ of Aegyptiaca in the Bronze Age Aegean (MC 14.1)

Aegyptiaca in early modern Europe and the phenomenon of Egyptomania (MC 14.2)