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Committees Fachschaftsrat

What and who is the Fachschaftsrat

The Fachschaftsrat is a board of elected student representatives from the student body of the MATS. We are here to support students with any problems they may have - academic or personal. We’ve been around the block, so please reach out if you need anything. 

The current Fachschaftsrat is:

  • Adrian Krieger
  • Franziska Latz
  • Seohee Lee

If you are interested in becoming part of the Fachschaftsrat or have any other questions, feel free to write us an email: 

E-mail the Fachschaft


The current MATS Fachschaft finance team is:

  • Eva Marschall

To contact the Fachschaft finance team, write an email to us:

E-mail the finance team

What and who is the Fachrat

The Fachrat represents the students at the faculty table. Once a semester our elected Fachräte sit in the institute meeting with the professors, lecturers, and the administrative staff to discuss:

  • Syllabi
  • Course organization
  • Course topics
  • Admissions, exams, evaluations
  • Vote on faculty (i.e. guest lecturers) 
  • Replacements 
  • Faculty conduct 

    ...and more 

    Fachrat (Study Programme Council)


The current elected Fachräte are: 

  • Adrian Krieger
  • Franziska Latz


How to get in touch


For information on meeting time and place, please visit Facebook, look into the calendar at the MATS blackboard in the entrance of the KJC, read the email announcements, or better yet talk to us.

In person:

We always look forward to talking to you in person. You might occasionally find some of us in the Fachschaftroom R400.02.10 in the Karl-Jaspers-Centre or you can join us for our biweekly meetings during the semester, which are open for all MATS students. The new meeting times will be announced at the beginning of the new semester via email, on all socials and here:

WiSe 2024/25: Thursday, 4 - 6pm, in R400.01.12




Please send a private message to one of the administrators to confirm that you are a student of MATS, and we will gladly accept you into the group.

MATS Facebook


We frequently update about upcoming events happening on and around the CATS campus on the official MATS Fachschaft Instagram account.

MATS Instagram

Transparency Statement

We believe in transparency. We have many meetings to plan future events and we would love for you to join. Anyone is always welcome to talk about current issues and voice their opinion. The Fachschaftsrat meets regularly, meeting times and dates are announced via email, on socials and here (see above). Personal topics can be addressed in a more private setting if necessary. If you are unsure about any matter or concern, just come and talk to us and we will find a way to help you out!

The Fachschaftsrat also works to improve and establish a transparent flow of information. Fachschaftsrat meetings bring together the different MATS student representatives of the Fachrat and the StuRa, so they can talk about any decisions made at these panels.