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Former Member Jo Ziebritzki


In my research and teaching, I approach art history from a transcultural studies and gender studies perspective, including theories of exile, migration, intersectionality, and queering. I draw on social theory and historiography to study modern and contemporary art and art history in Western Europe, South Asia, and the United States. 

I am a founding member of the network “Paths – Methods – Critiques: Women Art Historians 1880–1970” (2020-2025, funded by the German Research Council) and the research group with the same name at the Ulmer Verein. I manage the instagram account kunst.innen that transfers the research of these two networks about women in the art field to a broader and younger audience. From 2013 to 2017, I was editor of “Reciprocal Turn: Platform for Art Theory and Artistic Practice” and a member of “FAK - the Feminist Working Collective Karlsruhe”. Before joining the HCTS, I studied art theory, philosophy, and scenography in Karlsruhe and Berlin.


Curriculum Vitae

2023 – Graduate Assistant Chair of Global Art History, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University

02/2022 – Short-Term Research Fellow, Warburg Institute, London

10/2021 – 12/2021 – Research Fellow, Central Institute for Art History, Munich

01/2019 – 05/2023 – Student Assistant, Heidelberg University, Global Art History, Prof. Dr. Monica Juneja

2015 – 2020 – Freelance Art Mediator, Centre for Art and Media Technology, Karlsruhe 

2018 – M.A. in Art Theory ( (Magister Artium in Kunstwissenschaft), University of Art and Design, Karlsruhe


Latest Publications


Stella Kramrisch, Kunsthistorikerin zwischen Europa und Indien. Ein Beitrag zur Depatriarchalisierung der Kunstgeschichte (Marburg: Büchner Verlag, 2021).
The book received the 2021 Jutta Held Award by the Central Institute for Art History in Munich (Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte Münich).

Edited Volumes and Journals

Institutionen, Strukturen, Handlungsräume. Kunsthistorikerinnen 1900 bis 1980, ed. K. Lee Chichester, Annette Dorgerloh, Brigitte Sölch, Jo Ziebritzki (Berlin: Reimer, forthcoming 2025).

“Stella Kramrisch and the Transculturation of Art History,” ed. Matthew Vollgraff, Jo Ziebritzki, Special Issue of 21: Inquiries into Art, History and the Visual (forthcoming 2024). 

“Die Kunsthistorikerin? Bilder und Images“, Kritische Berichte, 4.2021, ed. Brigitte Sölch, Anja Zimmermann, Jo Ziebritzki (Weimar: Jonas Verlag, 2021). 


"“Ein eigenes Leben, ein unabhängiges Einkommen, eine Karriere“: Die Studiensituation in der Wiener Schule der Kunstgeschichte aus intersektionaler Perspektive ", in Kunsthistorikerinnen 1910-1980, vol. 2, eds. Chichester/Dorgerloh/Sölch/Ziebritzki (Berlin: Reimer, forthcoming 2024).

Jo Ziebritzki, “The international spread of Asian and Islamic art histories: an intersectional approach to trajectories of the Vienna School (c. 1920 – 1970)”, in: Journal of Art Historiography, Nr. 29, Dezember 2023. 

“Learning with Documenta 15: Principles, Practices, Problems”, co-authored with Monica Juneja, Grey Room, no. 92, winter 2023, MIT Press, 2023. 

"Wie die eigene Wahrnehmung zu wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis wird – untersucht anhand von Lees und Anstruther-Thomsons «Beauty and Ugliness» (1897)", Kritische Berichte: Die Kunsthistorikerin? Bilder und Images, eds. Sölch/Ziebritzki/Zimmermann (Weimar: Jonas Verlag, 2021), 50-62.

"Sensorium of the Earthbound", in Critical Zones, The Politics and Science of Landing on Earth, eds. Bruno Latour, Peter Weibel (Karlsruhe: ZKM & Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2020), 260-263.

"In der Grotte – ein queerfeministisches Für-Manifest", co-authored with Friederike Nastold, Marco Armbruster (Illustrations), Kritische Berichte: Gend_r, eds. Linda Hentschel, Änne Söll (Weimar: Jonas Verlag, 2016), 76-84.

Awards and Honours

2021 –Jutta-Held-Award of the Central Institute for Art History, Munich, for the monograph “Stella Kramrisch. Kunsthistorikerin zwischen Europa und Indien. Ein Beitrag zur Depatriachalisierung der Kunstgeschichte“ (Büchner, 2021)

10/2019 – 06/2023 – Doctoral scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)

2016 – BB-Bank Promotional Award for the journal reciprocal turn – Journal for Art Theory and Artistic Practice

2013 – ZKM (Center for Art and Media Technoloy) Promotional Award with the artistic-activist Feminist Working Collective (FAK)

Memberships and Other Functions

07/2020 – 07/2023 - Founding member of the research network Paths – Methods – Critiques: Women Art Historians 1880–1970, funded by the German Research Foundation, with Lee Chichester, PD Dr. Annette Dorgerloh, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Sölch

2019-2023, Doctoral student of the Graduate Programme for Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies

Since 03/2018, Founding member of the research group Women Art Historians 1880–1970, located at the Ulmer Verein, Society for Art Theory and Cultural Studies