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Doctoral Candidate Hui Tong

Contact Information

Hui Tong
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.00.17
69115 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221 54 4314

Hui Tong

Curriculum Vitae

2023-  Doctoral Candidate, Center for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg
2019-2023  Documentary Filmmaker, Curtain Up! (2020), 大运河之歌 (2023)
2018-2019  Master of Journalism, Columbia University School of Journalism, Documentary Specialization
2014-2018  Bachelor of Arts in History, Cornell University, Magna cum Laude with Senior Honors Thesis “Performing Authenticity: Chinese Student Drama in the U.S., 1910-1923.”
2016-2017  Junior Year Abroad, Robinson College, University of Cambridge       

Grants and Awards

2023-2026 DAAD-GPTS Scholarship
2020 Audience Award, Curtain Up!, Asian American International Film Festival, New York
2020 Emerging Filmmakers Award, Curtain Up!, Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival
2019 Outstanding Non-Fiction Writing, “Performing Authenticity: Chinese Student Drama in the U.S., 1910-1923”, ThePaper.cn (澎湃新闻)

Current Project

I am currently researching on the cultural and intellectual history of the Republic of China (1912-1949) through the lenses of theater-making and microhistory in transcultural contexts.