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Talks Lineup complete for this semester's Buddhist Studies Lecture Series

The Department of Buddhist Studies runs a regular series of guest lectures. Each semester, the Department invites several scholars from various European research centers to showcase the latest trends in the study of Buddhist traditions.

16.07.2024 - Prof. Sylive Hureau (École Pratique des Hautes Études)

“Sengyou 僧祐 (445-518), architect of Buddhist knowledge in early medieval China: research into his lost compendium regarding Buddhist rituals, ceremonies and practices, Fayuan zayuan yuanshi ji 法苑雜緣原始集.”

15.07.2024 - Max Brandstadt (Harvard University)

“Can a Buddhist Be a Fundamentalist? A Case Study From Medieval China.”

Despite Buddhism’s image as tolerant, ecumenical, rational, and non-dogmatic, events of the last few decades have made clear that there is such a thing as Buddhist fundamentalism. Modern Buddhist fundamentalism emerges most clearly in Theravada Buddhism, where it has become a potent political and religious force in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. However, the Mahayana Buddhism of East Asia has historically also harbored fundamentalist tendencies. Indeed, fundamentalist strains of Mahayana may in fact have played a crucial role in shaping the development of East Asian Buddhism. This talk focuses on an understudied episode in the history of Chinese Buddhism that demonstrates the appeal and concealed influence of scriptural fundamentalism in Mahayana Buddhism—namely, the rise and fall of the so-called Three Levels Movement (三階教) and its enigmatic founder, Xinxing 信行 (ca. 540–594 C.E.).

11.06.2024 - JIANG Yixiu (Leiden University)

“Dreaming of Buddhahood—Measuring Bodhisattva Progress in Early Mahāyāna Buddhism.”

The gradual progress toward liberation—the path (mārga)—constitutes a central concern for large portions of Buddhist discourse. The bodhisattva path, intended for those who aspire to buddhahood, is commonly presented within a scheme of ten stages or bhūmis. While most scriptures on the ten bhūmis describe a bodhisattva’s progress in terms of his virtues, one unique sūtra—the *Svapnanirdeśa (lit. “Teaching on Dreams”)—instructs bodhisattvas how to determine their current developmental stage through 108 kinds of dreams. This presentation will approach the concept of the bodhisattva bhūmis in early Mahāyāna from the new perspective that the *Svapnanirdeśa provides.

21.05.2024 - Dr. LI Channa (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

“Reconstructing a Tibetan Mahāratnakūṭasūtra Collection Translated from Chinese: New Light on the Early Translation History of Dkon Brtsegs Based on Dunhuang Manuscripts.”

Canons, serving as frameworks of accepted norms and standards, are dynamic entities that evolve alongside societal changes and shifting perspectives. This dynamic process of canonization is exemplified in Tibetan Buddhism, where the corpus of authoritative texts has continually expanded and undergone updates or even replacements from the imperial period to the classical era. This talk aims to showcase how Tibetan Buddhists updated the actual translation versions of a mini-canon entitled Dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po (Skt. Mahāratnakūṭasūtra). Relying on new discoveries of extracanonical texts from Dunhuang, the presentation will argue for the existence of an attempted initiative (or, initiatives) to translate a complete Dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po from its Chinese parallel Da baoji jing 大寶積經 during the Tibetan imperial time, although most of the translations in this attempted initiative were not collected in the Tibetan canon that gradually took shape after the 14th century.