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Heidelberg Research Architecture GECCA mapped

The project

GECCA mapped is based on the database Group Exhibitions of Contemporary Chinese Art (GECCA). The medium of (group and panoramic) exhibitions has played a fundamental role in creating a global context for Chinese art within and outside of the People's Republic after the end of the "Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution" (1966-1976) and since the political reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping in 1978/79. In economic, discursive, aesthetic and institutional terms, the Western reception of these shows was very influential for the establishment of a certain international canon of artworks, artists and curators. This particular canon in fact came to be considered representative of the whole of Chinese artistic production, although it actually tends to exclude large parts of the overall artistic activity such as "national ink painting" (guohua), conventional or conservative academic oil painting, as well as those works involving political or consumption oriented subject matter, including mass-produced decorative and popular artworks.

GECCA: Group Exhibitions of Contemporary Chinese Art

Digital Output

The database Group Exhibitions of Contemporary Chinese Art (GECCA) was created by Franziska Koch in connection with her Ph.D. dissertation about Western group exhibitions of contemporary Chinese art. GECCA mapped visualizes and provides geo-referential metadata of sixty exhibition entries. The selected exhibitions are limited to Western, i.e. Western European and Northern American group exhibitions, and exclude bi- or triennials. The visualisation was  realised with the support of the Heidelberg Research Architecture (HRA). GECCA mapped allows the user to trace the exhibition sample implemented in Google Earth, where the pin marks the place where a particular exhibition was staged and its scale indicates the number of participating artists, while more information on the exhibition are presented in a separate window. The Google Earth timeline enables the user to follow the exhibition development in any chosen geographical area in the period from 1982 (earliest exhibition entry) to 2009 (latest exhibition entry).

Data set

The data set comprises of geo-referenced metadata of sixty exhibition entries from the Group Exhibitions of Contemporary Chinese Art (GECCA) database. The publication provides the data in a .kmz file which can be rendered in viewers like Google Earth. Franziska Koch compiled the data set in 2018, including information on the location, institution, dates, exhibition topic, participating artists and curators. Data sources are exhibition catalogues, museum websites, archival documentation of public art libraries and other archives.


Koch, Franziska. 2016. Die »chinesische Avantgarde« und das Dispositiv der Ausstellung: Konstruktionen chinesischer Gegenwartskunst im Spannungsfeld der Globalisierung. Bielefeld: transcript.