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Studies The Mobility Semester


The module handbook of the MA Transcultural Studies describes the third semester as a mobility semester: 

"Due to the transregional nature of the M.A. Transcultural Studies, spending the third semester abroad may be a valid option to further expand one’s transcultural background, to deepen one’s language skills, or to acquire research experience “in the field”. As such kinds of mobility require time and effort to plan and organise, students should consider the related options of studying at a research institution related to the M.A. Transcultural Studies, or conducting a guided, research-oriented internship at the beginning of the programme. ..."

You can read the rest here:

 Master of Transcultural Studies module handbook

Basically, what this means is you have the option to use the third semester to 

a) go on a study exchange, or 

b) do an internship (i.e. at a museum, a foundation, an NGO, etc.)

However, all of these options will take you some time to prepare, so plan ahead! Especially the study exchange programs that are not organized via the institute tend to have very early deadlines and if you want to go during your third semester you usually have to apply by the end of October, during your first semester