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The Video Annotation Database Pan.do/ra

Together with the ZO-IT, HRA offers a Video Annotation platform: Pan.do/ra. It allows collaborative annotation of audio and video sequences in different layers for various annotation types: transcription, description, keywords, locations, events. Videos and annotations can be set to private, group, or public access. Data import and export are possible, using the .srt format.

Pan.do/ra was presented at the workshop “Annotation of audio-visual data” held at HCH19 - The 2nd Heidelberg Summer School for Computational Humanities 2019. The training material used can be accessed via heiBOX.
If you are interested in using the platform, want to learn more about its features, or wish to upload your own material, please contact us.

Arnold, Matthias, Hans Martin Krämer, Hanno Lecher, Jan Scholz, Max Stille, Sebastian Vogt. “Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Videoannotation mit Pan.do/ra - Forschung, Lehre und institutionelles Repositorium.” In: Bilddaten in den digitalen Geisteswissenschaften. Hg. von Canan Hastik und Philipp Hegel. Harassowitz 2020, p. 231-53. 

Wübbena, Thorsten, Eric Decker, Matthias Arnold. “»Losing My Religion« – Einsatz der Videoannotationsdatenbank Pan.do/ra in der kunstgeschichtlichen Analyse von Musikvideos.” In: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Digital Humanities. Hg. von Constanze Baum / Thomas Stäcker. 2015 (= Sonderband der Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften, 1).

Images from the resource