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A new Mirror of Kāśī

The Project

“A new Mirror of Kāśī” is a HyperImage representation of Kailāsanātha Sukula's historical map Kāśīdarpaṇa (1876). It is a relaunch of the website www.benares.uni-hd.de published in 2001 by the Vārāṇasī Research Project of the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University (editor: Jörg Gengnagel). 

The project is affiliated to the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), Berkeley, and has been mirrored at: The Human Mosaic. A Thematic Introduction to Cultural Geography with Interactive Exercises by Margaret Pearce based on the Mirror of Kashi.

A new Mirror of Kāśī - Start page

Digital Output

The existing data of the interactive map “Kailāsanātha Sukula's Mirror of Kāśī (Kāśīdarpaṇa, 1876). A Historical Map of Vārāṇasī based on the Kāśīkhaṇḍa and related Texts” have been converted to Unicode (utf-8) and are presented as HyperImage application. This urgent update aims to grant long term accessibility. The HyperImage application allows the introduction of new features like grouping of items (Vetālas, water courses, Śaktis etc.), the interactive and individual design of “light tables,” or a far more advanced search function.

Images from the resource