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Research Area C Large Dams (C2)

Large Dams: Contested Environments between Hydro-Power and Resistance

Project Leaders: Gita Dharampal-Frick, Marcus Nüsser
Project Members: Ravi Baghel, Lena Behrendes, Alexander Erlewein, Barbara Mittler, Miriam Seeger, Hanna Werner

The aim of the project was to analyze the multi-dimensional asymmetries of scale, time, and directions in the large dam controversy with a regional focus on India and China. Whereas the concept of large-scale transformation of fluvial environments into technological hydro-scapes originated in the West, widespread construction of large dams started in the countries of the South immediately after decolonization. Construction and operation of large dams are among the most prestigious but also sensitive development issues, often accompanied by massive resistance of adversely affected people and NGOs. Based on the notion of contested politicized environments, we analyzed various textual, visual, and audio materials to identify the narratives and imaginations that shape the large dam controversy. We seeked to develop a new transdisciplinary model which integrates contributions from discourse analyses and political ecology.