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Research Area D Aspects of Authenticity (D4)

Aspects of Authenticity in Architectural Heritage Conservation

Project Leaders: Niels Gutschow, Lothar Ledderose
Project Members: Shaohua Grasmück-Zhang, Katharina Weiler

Valued as ‘internationally accepted principles’ (Stovel 1994), the Charter of Venice has, with a general appeal ‘to preserve and reveal the authentic and historic value of the monument’, since 1964 guided efforts in architectural conservation worldwide. In 1994 ‘The Nara Document of Authenticity’ was drafted ‘in response to the expanding scope of cultural heritage concerns’ and encouraged ‘respect for cultural diversities’. No debate followed in order to define the diversities in East or South Asia. This project intended to trace in a transcultural approach the historical background of maintenance and renewal of architectural heritage and to document the present practice at actual and recent sites in Germany, India, Nepal and China. It aimed to identify different cultural values that have their impact on the conservation of architectural heritage.