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Mini-Cluster Global Concepts of Fascism and its Legacies (MC 6)

Coordination: Madeleine Herren-Oesch

During the interwar period, the notion of fascism spread throughout Europe and beyond. People and movements considering themselves fascist or national-socialists appeared not only in every European country without exception, but also in places like India, the Middle East, Canada and Australia. Even today such groups exist all around the globe. Fascism therefore displays a considerable influence on other regions of the world and during periods in time normally not associated with it.
MC6 approached fascism from a transcultural perspective that means the project focused on the spread of fascism and its impact in different contexts and beyond national and cultural borders. In this context MC6 primarily traced the influence of fascism and in particular varieties of a distinct Russian fascism on Russian thought, from the Russian emigration to the Soviet Union and finally post-soviet Russia.