Doctoral Candidate (GRK-2840) Masato Tanaka

Contact Information

Masato Tanaka
Karl Jaspers Centre
Voßstraße 2, Building 4400
Room 400.00.21
69115 Heidelberg

+49 (0) 6221 54 4381

GRK Ambivalent Enmity

Tanaka Masato

Curriculum Vitae

2023– Doctoral Candidate at at the Research Training Group Ambivalent Enmity, Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies
Working Title “In the Shadow of the Merchant Republic: The Middle Class, Politics of Economic Governance, and the Origins of Sectarianism in Late Ottoman and French Mandate Lebanon”
2022–2023 Affiliate at the Center for Arab and Middle East Studies, American University of Beirut 
2022 Recherches Doctorales Libres, Centre de Recherches Historiques, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales 
2020–2023 Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo (course work completed without degree) 
2018–2020 M.A. in Asian Hsitory, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, University of Tokyo
2015–2016 Arabic Langugae Student, Arabic for Non-Native Speakers, An-Najah National University
2013–2018 B.A. in Orientl History, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo

2020–2023 “Community, Law, Migration, and Family in Late Ottoman and French Mandate Lebanon,” Grant-in-Aid for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellows
2023–2024 “The Birth of the Merchant Republic of Lebanon: Economic Reform and Decolonization in the Inter-War Middle East,” Grant for Groundbreaking Young Researchers, Suntory Foundation



“Masonic Lodges in Late Ottoman Beirut: The Rise of Urban Middle Class and Its Civic Sociability.” In Historical Aspects of Medieval to Modern Cities in West Asia, ed. Tomoko Morikawa, Cities in West Asia and North Africa through the Ages, 4, Brepolis, forthcoming.
“The Advancement of a Druze Notable in the Ottoman Bureaucracy: The Rise of Mustafa Arslan and His Family in Late Nineteenth-Century Mount Lebanon.” Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies 38, no. 1 (2022): 30–60. (in Japanese with English abstract)
""The Sectarian Land Survey and the Reframing of Ottoman Local Governance in the Special District of Mount Lebanon." The Toyo Gakuho (The Journal of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko) 102, no. 4 (2021): 01–032 (in Japanese with English abstract) 



“From Territorial Separation to Non-Territorial Autonomy: Ottoman Lebanon and the Making of Confessionalized Citizenship,” December 6, 2024 at “Borders and Borderlands in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Times” (DFG Network Post-Ottoman Transformations), Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, December 6–7, 2024.

“The ‘Dangerous Classes’ in Late Ottoman Beirut: Urban Riots and Sectarian Violence, ca. 1880s–1903,” June 15, 2024 at “Religion, Race, and Concepts of Difference in the Modern Middle East”  (ERC-funded Research Project, “Moving Stories: Sectarianisms in the Global Middle East”), Balliol College, University of Oxford, Oxford, June 14–15, 2024.
“Imagining the Political Economy of Empire from Province: Beirut and Its Middle Class in the 1860s-1870s.” October 14, 2023 at “Building a State Beyond the Capital: Reform and Change in the Context of Local Politics in the Ottoman Empire during the Long 19th Century,” Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients, Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, October 13–14, 2023.
“ 'Men of Business and Money': Freemasonry, Civic Associations, and Formation of a New Social Class in Late Ottoman Beirut.” March 23, 2023 at "Pacific Rim Ottomanists' Conference,“ Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, March 22–23, 2023.
”Economic Reform Movements in Mount Lebanon from the Late Ottoman Period to the Early French Mandate." November 17, 2023 at “Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies in Japan: The State of the Art (No.14),” Japan Center for Middle East Studies, Beirut, November 17, 2022.
“Reviving Economy of the Mountain: The Reform Movements of the Émigré Entrepreneurs and the Late Ottoman Colonial Economy in Mount Lebanon.” November 9, 2023 at “Mettre en valeur les empires (XIXe-XXe siècles)," Colloque junior du Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, Paris, November 9–10, 2022.
“Albert Naccache’s Promotion of Industry and the Newborn State of Lebanon under the French Mandate,” November 14, 2021, The Historical Society of Japan, 119th Annual Meeting, virtual, November 13–14, 2021. (In Japanese)
“Minorities in the Ottoman Empire: Perspectives from Tax Reform in Nineteenth-Century Mount Lebanon.” June 16, 2021, in Panel Organized by Tomoko Morikawa, “Minorities in Eurasian Empires: Their Functions for the Survival of Empires” at Sixth European Congress on World and Global History: Minorities, Cultures of Integration, and Patterns of Exclusion, virtual, June 15–19, 2021.