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Heidelberg Research Architecture Data Sets

A number of collections or research projects compiled their data output into data sets that are published on dedicated research data repositories. Heidelberg University provides the research data repository "heiDATA", a professional platform for Open Research Data dedicated to the FAIR principles and based on the Dataverse software. In addition, “heidICON”, the “digital and interdisciplinary object and multimedia repository" is available for all multimodal and audio/visual data. The data ingest and publication process is curated by the Research Data Unit, who - together with the University Library - maintains and coordinates them. 

In this section you find an annotated list of data sets that were created in close collaboration with the HRA, or by the HRA itself. The earliest publications date back to the  Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe", the predecessor of the Heidelberg Centre of Transcultural Studies. In the long term, these data sets are migrated to  heiARCHIVE for digital preservation. 

For more information about the research projects and the individuals actively involved in them, please refer to the "Projects" section. For the broad spectrum of research data produced by or in cooperation with the HRA, please refer to the "Digital output" section.

If you want to prepare your own data sets and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Matthias Arnold.

Contact Matthias Arnold

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