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Doctoral Program (GPTS) Doctoral Candidates

Since its inception in 2008, twelve generations of doctoral candidates have concluded their projects in the GPTS. A further three cohorts are currently active in the program. They have all been selected in a rigorous and competitive process - for each position available we usually receive about 30 applications.

Our doctoral candidates represent a variety of nationalities and disciplinary backgrounds. Just in recent generations, we have students from India, China, the USA, Nepal, South Korea, Russia, Canada as well as from Italy, Sweden, Bosnia-Herzegovina and, of course, Germany. Their range of academic backgrounds is equally impressive, including Anthropology, Art History, Chinese Studies, Communication Studies, Educational Sciences, History, Japanese Studies, Literary Studies, Museum Studies, Philosophy, and Transcultural Studies.

Doctoral Candidates

GPTS 16 (2024-2027)

Hongjin Pan

Devaki Sapkota

GPTS 15 (2023-2026)

Rishika Rai

Hui Tong

Dalu Zhong

GPTS 14 (2022-2025)

Sara Ibanez-O'Donnell

Chenyi Wang

GPTS 13 (2021-2024)

Madhubanti Chanda

Gunde Dauksyte

Zifei Wang

GPTS 12 (2020-2023)

Tzu-Yin (Sharon) Chi

Yanling Li

Xinyu Zheng

GPTS 11 (2019-2022)

Arkamitra Ghatak

Silke Hasper

Richard Knorr

Giulia Pra Floriani

Wenzhuo Qiu

Jo Ziebritzki