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Heidelberg Research Architecture Projects

In the “Projects” section we introduce a number of research projects that partnered with HRA. Our staff is available for you in various ways. For example, we offer consulting in the conceptional phase of a project or help you preparing an application or support you writing a data management plan. We can also help training your project members, for example in recording, structuring, and enhancing data, or have workshops to deepen the expertise of you and your staff in making use of a certain research software. We also support projects in preparing their research data for publication in repositories like heiDATA, ultimately aiming at the digital preservation ("Langzeitarchivierung") of research data in the respective digital archives, like heiARCHIVE. 

For examples of research data produced by the projects, be it in form of raw data files, sets of structured XML data, geo-referenced material, or whole databases with front-end and search functionalities, please refer to the "Digital output" section. Please note that not every project did produce digital outcome, but many did. For published research data produced by various projects please refer to the "Data sets" section. 

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